First, let's register your free SparkleVote Account!

Register with your email address below Your preferred email address for you us to register your account.
Please enter a username that will represent your account with us. You can use this to log in and view your active polls, and results. It should be 6-20 characters, and it can't include any spaces or any special characters (e.g. {},;'. etc.).
Please enter your proposed password twice for confirmation.
Please enter your first and last names.
If you're running a poll on behalf of a company or another organisation (like your local social club), enter the name here. Otherwise, you can just leave it blank.

Please enter your number below.

Please select your country from the drop down menu above.

As we're about to set up an account for you, we need you to accept our terms and conditions. These cover important topics like protecting your personal information and how we manage elections themselves (and payments).

You can read the terms and conditions here.